April 4, 2015
Making sure your web site is mobile friendly is now more important than ever. On April 21, Google will be rolling out its latest change to their algorithm – this one particularly focused on rewarding sites with mobile friendly usability.
This latest update is a continuation of their 2013 update, but is expected to have an even more significant impact on user’s search results once released.
A few tools to get an understanding of how Google will see your mobile site:
- Google’s mobile usability reports: http://searchengineland.com/mobile-usability-reports-come-google-webmaster-tools-206885
- Google’s Mobile friendly testing tool: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/
- Google’s Mobile Guidelines: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/smartphone-sites/
Mobile usage continues to increase as your customers continue to engage with more sophisticated technology, and have it more readily available. They are becoming more savvy, and they expect your content to be optimized for whichever viewing experience they’re on — whether at home or on-the-go.
It’s advised that you take a read through the tools above, or give us a call to talk a bit more about how this change could affect your business.
4/21/15 UPDATE
Today is the day — Mobilegeddon (as it has been called) has arrived…
Obviously there are going to be a number of webmaster carefully watching their mobile traffic today to see how they net out through one of Google’s largest shifts to date.
The latest from Google is that while we’ll definitely be able to tell whether or not our site was affected as soon as tomorrow (April, 22 2015), the full implementation of the change may drag on through the course of days, if not weeks.
What is mobile friendly?

Search Engine Marketing