May 20, 2019
The big show is now over. After months of planning and long days that make your feet sore and the edges of your mouth tired from smiling, it’s done.
But is it?
Not if you want to extend the benefits of going to the show and turn them into tangible results. Here are four quick tips to consider:
1. Customer Follow-up
Make sure your customers know you care. Send out a “thank you for stopping by” email to all who did and include a personal message. If they asked you for further information, make sure you send it within a week of getting back from the show, unless requested sooner.
2. Post-Show Huddle
Gather the team and go through pre-, during, and post-show logistics. What went right? What could be improved? While everyone is always busy, just a few minutes in a meeting immediately after the show (while memories are fresh) can greatly improve the experience and results for the next show.
3. Assess Booth Assets
Assign someone on the team to carefully review the booth assets. Make sure that notes are made about any repairs that are needed before the next show as well as what swag or collateral materials were most effective and how many were needed. This can save you money in the long run.
4. Plan for the Next Year
For shows like PMA, you can sign up for next year before you leave the show. This helps you improve your location. Other long lead items include thinking about the budget and what your needs will be for the next year along with assessing whether you will need a new booth. Ideally, start planning for the next show at least six months in advance. You’ll not only avoid rush charges but headaches, as well.

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